Data Structures Lab | This lab is designed to develop skills to design and analyze simple linear and non linear data structures. It strengthen the ability to the students to identify and apply the suitable data structure for the given real world problem. It enables them to gain knowledge in practical applications of data structures . |
USP lab | Unix and Shell Programming lab educates the students an open source secure operating system, which was created by programmers for programmers. By the end of the lab, student would be able to do the following: be familiar with a variety of common Unix commands, be able to retrieve information from the online manual pages, be able to handle files and folder, be able to exploit filter commands, be able to write shell and awk script. |
ADE Lab | This lab helps a student to understand how basic designing is done for analog and digital circuits. The lab involves hardware and software implementation of the designed circuits. |
OOP Lab | Object oriented programming with C++ lab focuses on understanding and implementation of objected oriented concepts using C++ programming language. With this knowledge, students shall undertake individual mini projects to enhance their skills with object oriented programming |
Microprocessor Lab | The lab concentrates on writing and executing assembly language programs for Intel microprocessor. A student has to perform assembly program to control hardware interfaces. |
ADA lab | It is the platform where students can solve the problems by using various algorithm design techniques. They will not only learn to attain ideal solution for a problem but also learn to get best performance by analyzing the complexity too. |
DBMS Lab | In DBMS Lab we provide a hands-on to students starting from creating tables to make then execute queries on aggregate function, types of joins, nested queries, correlated nested queries, views and triggers. They also get an understanding on MySql connectivity. |
Networks lab | Networks lab consists of mainly programming and simulation parts. This lab is organized so as to understand the communication of data using different protocols and also to understand routing, addressing and working of transport protocols. This lab also features simulation of Wireless LAN and capturing packets . |
JAVA lab | The goal of this lab is to provide students with the ability to write programs in Java and apply concepts described in the Object-Oriented Programming course. The course is designed to accommodate students with diverse programming backgrounds. |
Mobile Application Development lab | Mobile application development lab uses Android Studio IDE to develop apps for android based handsets. The students are taught to design various layouts using XML, to render the graphical user interface. The business logic is written in Java. SQLite is used as the back-end database. The apps are tested for various target devices using the emulators. Alternatively, the apks are also installed on the physical devices and tested. |
Web Technologies lab | In this lab students learn to write both client side and server side programs. Here, XHTML and CSS are used for Web page creation, Javascript for client side validations, PHP and Servlet programs for server side to do all computations. With this knowledge, students will be able to create their own website at the end of the course. |
Software Testing lab | This lab helps the students to have practical approach to the concepts learned in the theory using modern testing tools like Junit, Eclemma, Pitest , Selenium and TestNg to perform manual and automation testing. |
Project Lab | In this lab students can work on their Mini and Main Project Work. |