Awareness Talk – Opportunities on Higher Education Abroad

The Department of Computer Engineering organized an Awareness Talk – Opportunites on Higher Education Abroad on 21st April 2023 at C-203 classroom in Chhatrapati Shivaji Block.
The awareness talk commenced at 12.00 PM and continued till 1.00 PM. A very informative talk on the topic – “ Opportunites on Higher Education Abroad “ was given by Mr. Nagaraju G, Manager – Business Development, aecc Study Abroad Consultant, Bangalore.
Dr. S P Manikandan, HOD – CE, Welcomed resource person. Students of 3rd year department of CE gained knowledge about various aspects like – Upgrade resume, Global network, Communication skills, Professional attitude, Be Up to date with ongoing trends and Research-oriented studies. 60 students attended the awareness talk in offline mode.
The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks speech given by the Assistant Professor Department of CE, Mr. Rahul B.
Outcome: Students will have the opportunity to develop a set of skills (adaptability, ability to problem-solve) to manage the new challenges of daily life in a different culture.