Expert talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python”

The Department of Computer Engineering has organized an Industry Talk titled “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python” on 7th November 2022. The talk commenced at 10.10am through offline mode at Falconry Hall with welcome address by Dr .S.P.Manikandan, HoD, Dept. of CE followed by Introduction of speaker Mr. Mahesh Chandan, SDE II, Data Engineering at Captain Fresh by Dr T.Kavitha, Professor, Dept. of CE.
Then Mr. Mahesh Chandan addressed the audience with his informative presentation along with hands-on.56 students of III-year (Batch 2020-24) and 56 students of II-year (Batch 2021-25) of CE attended the Industrial Expert Talk. During the session, students interacted with the resource person to gain more knowledge about Machine learning in the industry.
Finally, event concluded with vote of thanks by Dr T.Kavitha.
Outcome: Students gained the basics of machine learning using python.