Topics: – Josephus Problem

Brief report about the incorporated teaching Pedagogy
Topics: – Josephus Problem
RolePlay: Assigned 5 students per group as soldiers during the Greek war. One will have the sword and that student has to kill on the count of 2 (k=2). After removal of the student, the sword will be moved on to the next student and son. The game will be continued till only one student is left and the one who is left is assumed as Josephus.
Outcomes: – Students learned to solve Josephus problem in Data Structures.
NEW HORIZON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Pedagogical Methods /Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Report |
Department | CE | Academic Year | 2022-23 | ||
Course Code | 21CEE36A | Course. Name | Data Structures using C | Semester: III | |
Total No of Students |
69 |
Name of the Faculty | Anjali Vyas | Date | 21/12/2023 |
Topic Name: Josephus Problem |