Workshop on “Cyber Physical Systems and Robotics using MATLAB”

The Department of Computer Engineering had organized a Workshop on “Cyber Physical Systems and Robotics using MATLAB”on 17th May 2023. The session commenced at
11.00 am through offline mode in Chatrapathi Shivaji Block (C-311 Lab) with welcome address, followed by Introduction of speaker by Ms.Neera Chaudhary, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE.
Then Dr.Souvick Chaterjee, Education Technical Evangelist, Matworks addressed the audience with his technical hands-on session along with plotting a basic graph, ball bouncing model, moving robotic arm to 23 students of III- year (Batch 2020-24) of CE for a duration of 1 day. During the session, students interacted with the resource person to gain more knowledge about various applications, sensor data embedding and other recent ongoing projects related to cyber physical systems in the industry.
Finally, event concluded with vote of thanks by Ms.Anjali Vyas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE.
Outcome: Students gained insights on recent trends and technologies on cyber physical systems and robotics which are about to roll on the near future.