Exploring NoSQL and In-memory database

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Exploring NoSQL and In-memory database Date: 28/12/2021Time: 3 PM – 5 PM The Department of Computer Engineering organized an Expert- Talk on 28th December 2021 at the C-222 classroom in Chhatrapati Shivaji Block. The talk commenced at 3.00 PM and continued till 5.00 PM. A very informative technical talk on the topic […]

Expert Talk- Data Analytics using Machine Learning

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Expert Talk- Data Analytics using Machine Learning The Department of Computer Engineering organized an Expert- Talk on 22nd April 2022 at the C-203 classroom in Chhatrapati Shivaji Block.The talk commenced at 11.10 AM and continued till 1.30 PM. A very informative technical talk on the topic – “Data Analytics using Machine Learning […]

Expert talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python”

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Expert talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python” The Department of Computer Engineering has organized an Industry Talk titled “Introduction to Machine Learning using Python” on 7th November 2022. The talk commenced at 10.10am through offline mode at Falconry Hall with welcome address by Dr .S.P.Manikandan, HoD, Dept. of CE followed […]

Industry Expert Talk – Discussion On Concepts of AI & Fascinating Applications

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Industry Expert Talk – Discussion On Concepts of AI & Fascinating Applications Dept. of Computer Engineering has organized an Industry Expert Talk titled ““Discussion On Concepts of AI & Fascinating Applications” on 17th November 2022 from 11.00 – 1.00 pm. through Blended mode at room no. 203. Welcome address followed by Introduction […]

Motivational Talk “My Story – How to become a Successful Entrepreneur”

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Motivational Talk “My Story – How to become a Successful Entrepreneur” Dept. of Computer Engineering and Dept. of Information Science Engineering in association with the Institution’s Innovation Council has organized a Motivational Talk titled “My Story – How to become a Successful Entrepreneur” on 23rd November 2022 from 2.00 – 3.30 pm. […]

Expert talk on “Insights on Trends and Technologies in Computer Network”

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Expert talk on “Insights on Trends and Technologies in Computer Network” The Department of Computer Engineering has organized an Industry Talk titled “Insights on Trends and Technologies in Computer Network” on 30th December 2022. The talk commenced at 10.10 am through offline mode at Falconry Hall with welcome address, followed by Introduction […]

NPTEL Mentoring Event

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS NPTEL Mentoring Event Dept. of Computer Engineering has organized an “Mentoring event on NPTEL” on 17th Jan 2023 from 4.00 – 4.50 pm. through offline mode at room no. 221. Dr. T. Kavitha, Professor & Dept. NPTEL coordinator, Dept. of CE coordinated and took the mentoring session on NPTEL. Students were introduced […]

Orientation Session on IIC5.0 (2022-23) & Features – MoE’s Innovation Cell

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Orientation Session on IIC5.0 (2022-23) & Features – MoE’s Innovation Cell MoE’s Innovation Cell has organized orientation session on IIC5.0 on 11th Jan 2023 from 11.00 am through online. Dept. of Computer Engineering made an arrangement to attend this orientation session through blended mode at Lecture Hall C203, NHCE. Dr. S.P.Manikandan, HoD/CE,  Dr.T.Kavitha., […]

Mentoring Event On “YUKTI-National Innovation Repository(NIR)

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Mentoring Event On “YUKTI-National Innovation Repository(NIR) The objective of the event is To make the students understand the process involved in YUKTI portal. To encourage the students to create innovative design/products that is useful to society and make use of YUKTI portal.   Institution’s Innovation Council has organized a mentoring event in […]

Awareness Talk – Opportunities on Higher Education Abroad

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Awareness Talk – Opportunities on Higher Education Abroad The Department of Computer Engineering organized an Awareness Talk – Opportunites on Higher Education Abroad on 21st April 2023 at C-203 classroom in Chhatrapati Shivaji Block. The awareness talk commenced at 12.00 PM and continued till 1.00 PM. A very informative talk on the […]