World Entrepreneur’s Day

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS World Entrepreneur’s Day Department of Computer Engineering jointly with Department of AIML had organized a talk on the occasion of World entrepreneur’s day on 22/08/2024.World Entrepreneurs Day, is dedicated to recognizing and honoring entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders who drive economic growth and create positive change around the world. It’s an opportunity […]
Angel Investment/VC funding. Opportunity for early-stage Entrepreneurs

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Angel Investment/VC funding. Opportunity for early-stage Entrepreneurs Department of Computer Engineering jointly with Institution’s Innovation Council had organized a talk on the topic Angel Investment/VC funding. Opportunity for early-stage Entrepreneurs on 09/08/2024.The session spearheaded by Dr Prabhakar Y Founder and CEO, Global PCCS on Angel Investment was organized to provide insights into funding opportunities […]
Mentoring Event on Awareness about Entrepreneurship and YUKTI

Co-Curricular Activities Mentoring Event on Awareness about Entrepreneurship and YUKTI Dept. of Computer Engineering in association with Institution’s Innovation Council had organized a mentoring event titled “Mentoring Event Awareness about YUKTI portal on 31/07/2024.The resource persons Dr T.Kavitha and Mr Rahul B highlighted the significance of YUKTI Portal and start up scenario and encouraged students to […]
National Technological day

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS National Technological day The Department of Computer Engineering in association with IIC celebrated “National Technology Day” on 16/05/2024. As part of the clebrations a distinguished lecture was organized.The resource person Mr. Mohammed Khurram & Managing Director, Cryptovibe , shared his views about the Innovative ideas which are driving innovation in the world, startups […]
Legal and Ethical steps for Start ups

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Legal and Ethical steps for Start ups The Department of Computer Engineering had organized an Event on “How to plan for the Startup Legal and Ethical Steps” on 31/05/2024.The resource person for the session was Mr. Burri Ankaiah, Assistant Professor, Head IPR & Startup Cell ULLC, Reva University, Bengaluru .Mr. Burri Ankaiah […]

CLUB ACTIVITIES HELPING HANDS! The Department of Computer Engineering had organized an event “Helping Hands” on 6th May 2024. Target Audience were Students from EEE, CSE, ISE, CE, AIML, CIVIL, M.Tech students and Faculty members. Report
My Story – by Successful Entrepreneur / Start-up founder

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS My Story – by Successful Entrepreneur / Start-up founder The Department of Computer Engineering had organized a Workshop on “My Story-Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur/Start-up founder” on 29th November 2023.Mr. Rishav Agarwal Founder & CEO, Picxele – Bengaluru addressed the students with his entrepreneurship journey; nitty gritty of startup ecosystem. Students interacted with the resource […]

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS MOST POPULAR WEB DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK The Department of Computer Engineering had organized a Workshop on “MOST POPULAR WEB DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK” on 13th October 2023. The resource person for the event was Mr. Raghu Prasad K S, CEO, Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services ( Mr. Raghu Prasad K S addressed the students […]

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS ARDUINO AND ITS APPLICATIONS The Department of Computer Engineering conductedan online workshopon the topic “ARDUINO AND ITS APPLICATIONS”which was held on 25thand 26th November 2021 from 4 pm to 5pm at BOT Laboratory in Library Blockin association with the Pantech e-learning. The first day started with the basics of Arduino. The session […]

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, TELENETWORKING & IoT Date: 08/12/2021Time: 2:50 PM – 4:50 PM The Department of Computer Engineering organized an Expert- Talk on 08th December 2021 at the C-222 classroom in Chhatrapati Shivaji Block. The talk commenced at 2.50 PM and continued till 4.50 PM. A very informative technical talk on the topic […]